Healing Rooms

Free prayer for healing by trained Christian volunteers. For anyone who has any kind of physical, emotional, or spiritual illness or condition. Open from 4 to 6pm on the first and third Sunday of every month.

WHO can visit

Cordstorphine Healing Rooms is for anyone who has any kind of physical or emotional illness or condition. For example:

- Stress-related illness

- Awaiting surgery

- Life-threatening illness

- Minior ailments

Even if you are not ill, you might know a friend of family member who may benefit from a visit to the Healing Rooms.

WHAT to expect

Free prayer, confidential ministry, sympathetic and caring ministry and a team made up of volunteers from several different churches who have been trained to pray for healing. No appointments necessary.

In the Bible Jesus often showed his compassion by healing people. God is still showing His care today by healing many people who come for prayer.

An example of
Jesus Healing

Richard... went to a healing session after two unsuccessful operations to remove the cyst [on his vocal cords]. He said; 'Prayers were said by several people... My mood could not have been lower and I put myself into Christ's hands. I then visualised that I was lying flat on my face at the foot of Jesus' cross, and I became aware of a strong smell of wood and sensed warm blood dripping on top of me. I was overwhelmed and moved to tears by the experience.' Richard said his life had been changed...

- East Lothian Courier

If you would like more information

Corstorphine Healing Rooms is part of the International Assoctation of Healing Rooms.

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